All Saints Academy Kindergarten


Thank you for choosing Impacks! We are pleased to offer high-quality products at a great price. Below you will see all the products included in this kit, as outlined by your kindergarten classroom teacher. Please remember that this kit will ship directly to your school, where you will be able to pick it up during open house. Due to COVID-19, some products may be delayed in the shipping process. If products are delayed we will still ship them to the school but they may not be in the initial supply kit.

Keep in mind that supplies will be shipped directly to All Saints Academy. You will be able to pick up your supply kit during the open house.

This kit contains:

  • 1- Plastic two-pocket folder
  • 2- Large boxes facial tissues
  • 2- Containers disinfecting wipes
  • 1- Pair of headphones, non-charging (not earbuds)
    in labeled Ziploc bag
  • $25.00 for classroom supplies